Restorative Dentistry
Restorative dentistry helps rebuild the damaged part of a tooth as a result of caries or trauma. Restoration of such damaged teeth can help improve the appearance and overall health of your smile. It is important to seek proper treatment for lost or damaged teeth in order to prevent further damage and relieve difficulties with eating or speaking. There are several restorative options available to patients depending upon their overall health, doctor’s recommendations and personal preference.
Restoration of Primary and Permanent Teeth
Amalgam Filings
We don’t do amalgam fillings. We are mercury free office.

Composite fillings (also known as white fillings) are made of resin that produces a tooth-colored material. Also known as filled resins, composites are often used in small to mid-size restorations, as they provide strength, durability and resistance to fracture. In addition, the shade of composite fillings is made to closely match the patient’s actual teeth, so that other people will not be aware that dental work has been done.
Pulpotomy also known as Baby Root Canals
A root canal is cleaning up the nerve of the teeth, also known as the dental pulp. This procedure is done when the cavity has reached to an acute stage and the bacteria has affected the nerve. In this procedure the dentist will excavate the top part of the nerve and disinfect the tooth with the use of certain antimicrobial medications and then restoring it with a stainless steel crown. If left untreated, pus may build up within the root tip and form an abscess that can damage the bone around the teeth, causing pain and the potential for permanent damage.
Baby teeth may not remain in the mouth forever, but they are essential. They help children to speak and chew properly. They also retain space for the permanent teeth and affect the shape of the face and overall appearance. Therefore, it is essential to perform a root canal on a primary tooth in which the pulp tissue has died.
Stainless Steel Dental Crowns (Caps)
A stainless steel crowns are metal crowns that is used to restore a broken down tooth or a tooth which had pulpotomy done to its normal size and shape while strengthening it and protecting it from further cracking or breakage. Crowns are necessary when the tooth is broken down to the point where a filling won’t be of any significant help. Stainless steel crowns can preserve more of the tooth structure than other types of crowns. They are strong and can withstand biting and chewing forces well and rarely chip or break. The biggest drawback of stainless steel crowns is the metallic color. They are ideal for rear teeth that are not visible, but if they are necessary for a tooth that will show, they can be created with white facings that look like a natural tooth.
White Crowns
White Crowns for front teeth White crowns can be fabricated using a mold that can be used to strengthen decayed teeth at the front of the mouth. They are close in color to the natural teeth, so they are more cosmetically pleasing. However, white crowns are not as resilient as stainless steel crowns and they may chip, fracture or discolor eventually. Depending on the length of time it takes for the baby tooth that it is covering to fall out, a white crown might potentially need to be replaced.